We welcome you to Sacred Heart - St. Joseph Catholic Parish

We are a Christ centered community of faith which gathers to worship around the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist and the sacramental life of the Church. Through the love of Christ's Sacred Heart and the intercession of St. Joseph, we hope to journey from this life into the everlasting life to come. Come and journey with us! Fr. Tim Haberkorn



The dispensation of the obligation to attend Mass is lifted. However, those who suffer from underlying health concerns, compromised immunity, or who have genuinely serious concerns about the risk of contracting the coronavirus are not bound by the obligation to attend Mass. Please see Fr. Tim's 5.14.21 Letter to Parishioners.

Virtual Mass is live Saturday at 4 pm (sometimes Sunday at 10:30 am)
or watch the recording later on Facebook and YouTube.
If we are unable to stream Mass, daily Mass is available at YouTube.com/EWTN.

I encourage all parishioners to pray for the Lord's guidance through these challenging times. Please invoke the assistance of Our Blessed Mother, under the title of Our Lady of Perpetual Help by praying a Rosary or Hail Mary prayer in your homes. Thanks, Fr. Tim

Due to the current situation, it is very critical and necessary that all parishioners please continue to make your contributions for the support of our parish. Please visit Faith.Direct/KS196, call 866-507-8757, or text ‘Enroll’ to 785-246-8408 for electronic offertory; mail your envelopes to the parish or place in the collection basket at Mass.


We welcome you to Sacred Heart - St. Joseph Catholic Parish.

We are a Christ centered community of faith which gathers to worship around the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist and the sacramental life of the Church. Through the love of Christ's Sacred Heart and the intercession of St. Joseph, we hope to journey from this life into the everlasting life to come. Come and journey with us!
Fr. Tim Haberkorn


In Response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Learn about COVID-19 and keep up-to-date with accurate information:
CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

World Health Organization

We offer Mass at Sacred Heart - St. Joseph Church. To assist in determining if you should attend, please read Fr. Tim’s important letter (UPDATED 5.13.20) with our parish plan, guidelines, and procedures for resuming public Mass. Virtual Mass is available on Facebook.

Please join Fr. Tim in this virtual Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass 8.16.20
You can follow along with these Readings.  
During Communion, please make a Spiritual Communion with our Lord using this prayer.

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

Due to the current situation, it is very critical and necessary that all parishioners please continue to make your weekly contributions for the support of our parish. Please visit Faith.Direct/KS196 or text
‘Enroll’ to 785-246-8408 for electronic offertory, or mail your weekly envelopes to the parish.

Fr.  Tim's Letter to Parishioners 3.18.20
The Holy Family School of Faith & Pope Francis' Rosary 3.19.20
Coronavirus Causes Mass Disruptions - The Leaven 3.20.20
Fourth Sunday of Lent Mass - Readings 3.22.20
Pope Francis' prayer for an end to Covid-19 pandemic 3.27.20
Our Sunday Supplication - engage with the Church in prayer 3.29.20
Fifth Sunday of Lent Mass - Readings 3.29.20
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord MassReadings 4.5.20
Holy Thursday Evening - The Lord’s Supper Mass - Readings 4.9.20
Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion Service - Readings 4.10.20
Archbishop Naumann's Easter Message
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Mass - Readings 4.12.20
Second Sunday of Easter Mass - Readings 4.19.20
Consecration to Mary Mother of the Church for the Archdiocese 5.1.20
Third Sunday of Easter Mass - Readings 4.26.20
Fourth Sunday of Easter Mass - Readings 5.3.20
Fifth Sunday of Easter Mass - Readings  5.10.20
Sixth Sunday of Easter Mass - Readings 5.17.20
Ascension of the Lord Mass - Readings 5.24.20
Pentecost Sunday MassReadings 5.31.20
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Mass - Readings 6.7.20
Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ Mass - Readings 6.14.20
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass - Readings 6.21.20
Father Carl Dekat's Mass of Christian Burial 6.25.20 
Tribute to Father Carl Dekat
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass - Readings 6.28.20
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass - Readings 7.5.20
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass - Readings 7.12.20 
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass - Readings 7.19.20
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass - Readings 7.26.20
Pro-life video, Value Them Both Amendment; with KC Chiefs Punter, Dustin Colquitt
Eighteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time Mass - Readings - 8.2.20
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass - Readings - 8.9.20

-Parish activities & events
-Adoration Chapel & Hours of Adoration
-Garage Sale

I encourage all parishioners to pray for the Lord's guidance through these challenging times. Please invoke the assistance of Our Blessed Mother, under the title of Our Lady of Perpetual Help by praying a Rosary or Hail Mary prayer in your homes. Thanks, Fr. Tim

Current Directives of Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Prevention & Resources

Resuming Mass
Archdiocesan Protocols for Public Worship
Safety Protocols for Public Worship in Midst of Ongoing Pandemic
Safety Protocols for Public Worship in Midst of Ongoing Pandemic 
Moral responsibility to vote and to make well-informed choices



Fr. Tim

Germanfest 2025 - June 7 & 8, 2025

Congratulations to the Germanfest 2024 Drawing winners!

K Elersic

Cynthia Sleeper
Mary Ann Jennings
Lisa Deghand

Brat Trot - May 31, 2025

Golf Tournament - June 14, 2025

Check out this video...and then start practicing your polka!

2019 KSNT Commercial
Fr. Tim
and the polka-dancing
Dad & Mom Haberkorn

Sacred Heart - St. Joseph Catholic Parish

Sacred Heart Church (SH)
312 NE Freeman Ave
Topeka KS 66616

St. Joseph Church (StJ)
227 SW Van Buren St
Topeka KS 66603

Pastor: Fr. Tim Haberkorn

Weekend Mass

Saturday SH 4:00 pm
Sunday StJ  8:00 am
SH 10:30 am

(Sept-May 10:30 am; Jun-Aug 10 am)

Daily Mass Schedule

Monday No Mass
Tuesday SH  8:00 am
Wednesday StJ  6:30 am
Thursday SH  8:00 am
Friday StJ  6:30 am
1st Saturday Only StJ  7:30 am


Saturday SH 3:15-3:50 pm
Sunday StJ 7:15-7:50 am

Hall Rental

SH: Marilyn Riddle  620-757-0194
StJ:  StJ Rectory        785-232-2863

Sacred Heart Office Hours
T-W-Th-F: 8 am-Noon
Bulletin Deadline: 8 am Wednesday
SH Secretary: Therese Klein

St. Joseph Office Hours
M-W-F: 8 am-Noon
StJ Secretary: Teresa Thomas

Bookkeeper & Webmaster
Lisa Deghand

CCD Enrollment Form
CCD Registration Fees - Pay Online!

Consider electronic offertory in making
your parish contribution to support our
parish via computer, phone, or text:

text 'Enroll' to 785-246-8408

Sacred Heart Church

312 NE Freeman Ave

Topeka KS 66616


St. Joseph Church

227 SW Van Buren St

Topeka KS 66603
